Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Image of the Ganges Delta acquired by the Landsat 7 satellite on February 28, 2000.   Source: USGS EROS Data Center Satellite Systems Branch; NASA/USGS Landsat 7; NASA Earth Observatory.

NOTE: individual course pages are no longer maintained at this website.  Whitman students can find all course materials on Canvas.

Welcome to Intro to GIS!

Nick Bader, Fall 2019

Class time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11:20 am, Hall of Science 176

Getting help

You can find me in my office in the Hall of Science 150, just off the atrium, on Mondays 11 am to noon,  Mondays 1-3 pm, and Tuesdays 2:30 - 4 pm.  (This semester, if I am not in my office, try the GIS lab, Science 176, near our classroom - I may be helping a student there.)  During these office hours, you can stop by without an appointment to discuss the course or whatever is on your mind.  If these times don't work for you, no problem.  You can handle this in several ways: first, you are welcome to bring questions to my office whenever the door is open (or even a little bit open - sometimes it gets noisy in the Science atrium).  If this does not work for you, just email me and we can set up an appointment.  You may also ask questions by email; if I think that other students might share your question I will respond to the whole group.  

Course description

A geographic information system (GIS) is a powerful tool for displaying, exploring, and analyzing geographic data.  Any data that has a geographic component (including most data in the Earth sciences and environmental sciences) can benefit from GIS.  Formerly a tool employed primarily by city planners, conservationists, utilities, and developers, GIS is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in geology and even in non-traditional fields such as the social sciences.  Familiarity with GIS can be a decided advantage in today's job market.  This course will introduce GIS concepts through examples of current geological and environmental applications in conjunction with hands-on experience in the lab.  Course topics range from history and cartography to data structures and analytical methods. Students will be expected to complete an independent research project using GIS tools.

What will this class do for you?

I hope this class will allow you to:

Course structure

Each week, there will be two class periods of 80 minutes each.  These class periods are not strictly "lecture" or "lab" but are a combination of both.  During class periods, we may use the time to do any of the following:

Course materials

Google-y infrastructure

Your Whitmail account is tied to a set of Google services.  In this course, I will set you up with a personal folder on Google Drive that you will use to turn in assignments, and a shared group folder that you can use to access some of our readings.  You will also have a class email list that you can use to communicate with the entire class.  If you use Google Calendar, you can show the class schedule in your own calendar.  And of course, you can communicate with me via email. 


Your grade will be based on lab exercises, some short homework assignments, and a GIS project.

Lab exercises (45% of the class grade)

Each lab, you will follow a program designed to introduce you to a particular aspect of GIS.  Depending upon the lab, you may turn in a page of exercise questions, a map you construct in ArcGIS, or both.  Typically you will finish the lab during the lab period.  If you need more time, labs may be turned in without penalty until the beginning of lab the following week.

Individual GIS project (40% of the class grade)

See below for more information on the projects.

Homework (15% of the class grade)

There will be regular small homework assignments designed to reinforce the skills you learn during labs.  Exercises will be due in your CLEo dropbox a few days after they are assigned.  You will get details by email during the course.


Although I do not keep track of your attendance, the large amount of in-class work makes your attendance highly recommended!  If you cannot attend a scheduled class for any reason, it is your responsibility to get the work completed on your own.

Late work

Assignments can be handed in late, but you will lose five points for each day the assignment is late.  For example, if you turn in an assignment less than 24 hours late, your maximum score will be 95%; if you turn it in between one and two days late, your maximum score will be 90%, etc.  Note that assignments turned in three weeks late cannot get credit.  Obviously, I can no longer accept late work after I turn in grades following our project presentations.

Letter grades

I use a standard system for grading based on your percentage of total possible points:

97 - 100%: A+;   93 - 96%: A;   90 - 92%: A-

87 - 89%: B+;   83 - 86%: B;   80 - 82%: B-

77 - 79%: C+;   73 - 76%: C;   70 - 72%: C-

67 - 69%: D+;   63 - 66%: D;   60 - 62%: D-

< 60%: F

How to succeed in this course

Here is the most important advice I can give you about having a good experience and getting a good grade in GIS: show up, and turn your work in on time.  That's it.  (That's right - like any other course at Whitman or experience in life, your performance is mostly a measure of your ability to manage your time, not of any particular expertise!). If you look carefully at my late policy, you will see that it is punishing.  In fact, I think I can honestly say that all of the bad grades I have ever given out in this course were due to a pattern of missing assignments or turning them in late.  The moral of this story is that you need to be vigilant that you keep up with the class and turn in your assignments on time.  Everything else, as they say, is just gravy.

Individual GIS projects

As mentioned above, you will each be expected to complete an independent research project using GIS tools.  The scale of the project is not particularly important, but your finished project should convey your command of the ArcGIS software.  You will present your work in class, with GIS maps as figures, and turn in all of your maps and data. Your grade on this project will represent about a third of your class grade, so please take it seriously.

The topic of your research can be of your own choosing.  If you have a particular research area that you will be studying for a senior project, an independent study, or for another class, you are welcome to focus your research project on that study area.  Be aware, however, that sometimes the data you need do not exist, so you may want to think of a backup project idea or two just in case.

Here I will break up the project into smaller assignments.  Take a look at the schedule to see the due dates for each of these assignments.

Assignment 1: Schedule a meeting with me to discuss your topic.

Assignment 2: Write a brief project research proposal.  This should be in the form of an abstract.  Here is a formula that works for all proposal abstracts, with one or more sentences for each part:

Don't be too ambitious about your research projects --- time and data will limit the work that you can complete in one semester.

Assignment 3: Acquire relevant data to answer your research question.

Find and download two or more datasets relevant to your project, and get them to overlay properly in ArcMap.  You will show me this map document in lab on the due date (see the schedule below).  Be sure to acquire the relevant metadata for each dataset.

This stage may be trouble-free, or it may be the most time-consuming part of the whole project.  Be prepared for this to take some time and effort.  Although there is LOTS of geospatial data out there, it may be difficult to find the data you need for your project.  In particular, it may be too expensive for you to use.  It is not uncommon for the same data set to be free from one site and thousands of dollars from another.  Keep in mind that students may be able to get some data free that professionals would have to pay for.  Also, you should be vigilant about acquiring the relevant metadata at this stage.  Metadata is often hidden somewhere in the website where you acquired the data, and may be more difficult to find later.

Assignment 4: Make some progress!

For this assignment you will simply show me, in whatever form you like, evidence that you have made progress towards completing your research project.  We can't be more specific at this stage since we don't know the details of your project, but as the due date rolls around you may ask me if you need more direction.

Assignment 5: Present your work

Most of your project grade comes from your final products.  Your finished project grade is determined by several different parts:

My rubric for your final presentation, out of 25 possible points:

Course Calendar

View this calendar in other formats

If you use Google Calendar, you can view these events in your own calendar.  Just click the button at the bottom right of the calendar.  You will be offered access to two calendars; one named for the GIS course (with most of the course events), and a second calendar called "Bader - all classes" that includes my office hours and occasionally special events like guest speakers.

Course resources

Below are some resources available in electronic format.  These include the course syllabus (which is merely a hard copy of parts of this website), a pdf of our course schedule, a folder of lecture notes in pdf format that will be filled as the semester progresses, and a folder of readings that I assign from outside your main textbook.  Regarding the course schedule: our schedule may change during this semester, rendering the pdf version obsolete.  The Google calendar above will remain up-to-date and should be your primary reference.